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Gifting · April 30, 2018

Here's What 4 Moms Want for Mother's Day This Year

Meet the moms

  • Katia Beauchamp, CEO and co-founder of Birchbox
  • Melissa Enbar, VP, People & Culture at Birchbox
  • Mollie Chen, co-founder of Birchbox and brand strategy consultant
  • Sasha Bont, freelance magazine writer

How many children do you have? How old are they?

KB: Three kids. Twin boys who are almost 4, and another 10-month-old boy, Niko!
ME: Two. An 11-month-old daughter and a 2.5-year-old daughter.
MC: Lilly; she's 10 months!
SB: My daughter is 7 years old.

What have you done for Mother's Day in the past?

KB: I was in Greece last year visiting my dad and also celebrating our time as a family of 4 before Niko's arrival.
ME: I usually try to spend time with my own mom if possible. It's a day for me to celebrate her. Becoming a mom has really shed a new light on how much I appreciate my mom and how much she has done for me!
MC: This is my first Mother's Day (as a mother)!
SB: When I lived in Texas we would have a group celebration with my mother and all of her sisters. Usually a brunch at a place that could accommodate a party of 30 and still split the bill. We would prop our matriarch at the head of the table and toast to my grandmother. Us with mimosas, granny with her teagiving her roses while she is still with us.

What is the best Mother's Day gift you've given or received?

KB: A book from my husband about inspiring badass women. He wrote an inscription saying that I inspired him and that he knew our boys would be inspired be me too.
ME: My husband got me a professional family photo shoot on my first Mother's Day. I treasure those pictures and that day! He also sent me for a 30-minute foot massageI'm always on my feet so it was a major treat.
MC: I love buying my mom things I know she'll love but wouldn't necessarily get for herself. Last year, I treated her to a facial at Heyday, the amazing NYC-based facial studio, and a pair of Allbirds for running around Brooklyn with her new granddaughter!
SB: Acupuncture!

What would be your dream gift to receive this Mother's Day?

KB: Sunshine in NYC, please! Plus a day with my family and without email.
ME: I had my second kid this year and life got SO hectic! Juggling schedules got twice as complicated and all of a sudden my house is filled with way more stuff. So this year, I'd like one month of a virtual assistant or a professional organizer to help me get organized and feel more zen.
MC: I'd love a mix of my favorite things: yoga at Mala, my go-to studio, followed by a stroll around our neighborhood, and then dinner at home with my husband leading the cooking and cleaning efforts. And definitely ice creamlately I can't get enough of Van Leeuwen's coffee with hot fudge and cocoa nibs on top.
SB: Reflexology. Its supposed to be very relaxing and helps to alleviate stress!


Alexis Bridenbaugh