May 12, 2022
Beauty Advice that Stands the Test of Time

As part of our Passed-Down Mothers Day series, weve rounded up generations of beauty wisdom from our Birchbox staff. From how to be prepared for a last-minute occasion, to keeping wrinkles at bay, to simply finding confidence, these tried-and-true tips speak for themselves.
My Grannys beauty advice: Its not that serious. She didnt have to say it; she showed it. Example: When I was little, she would let me play with makeup, using her face as my canvas. Blue eyeshadow, hot pink lipsticknothing was off limits. Once, when I was about 4, she took me to the store AFTER one of our makeup sessions. She confidently told the cashier, Don't I look beautiful? My granddaughter did my makeup today. That woman went out in public with clown makeup on just to make her granddaughter feel proud. Granny was so chill and unpretentious.
Tonya Rodriguez
"Ive learned many beauty-related lessons from my mom that I still practice today. She taught me never to leave the house without lip gloss, mascara, and moisturizer. We live in New York City and you never know where the day will take you. Other lessons shes taught me to keep my skin healthy are to drink lots of water, wear sunscreen no matter the season, and to clean my makeup brushes weekly."
Sydney Kaden
"My mom has been telling me forever: Never touch your face. I have failed at this consistently my whole life. But there is another piece of beauty advice shes given me that I have carried with me (and succeeded at): Laugh. Smile. Be kind to yourself and others. That will reveal your own true beauty more than anything. Thank you, mom."
Justine Baldwin
The best, and perhaps most ironic, beauty advice my mom gave me was to think less about how I look in the eyes of other people. While theres nothing wrong with dressing up and feeling our best, shed remind me that were all focused mainly on our own insecuritiesno one is critiquing us the way we might imagine. Being freed from that sense of scrutiny allowed me to have more fun with beauty, to take myself less seriously and focus on how I feel and treat others, above all else.
Caroline King
Whenever we ask for advice or complain about something, my grandma would tell us to use olive oil.
Lena Zurub
A beauty secret that my mom has passed down to me (and that has become a non wind-friendly obsession in my life) is to always have lip gloss on hand. She claims that no matter what kind of day you are having, putting lip gloss on will fix it. I have to admit its a total power move! I now am that girl in the gym, in the restroom, and at the stop light. Who knew the power that a little tube of lip gloss could have. Kinda special.
Madison Page
My mom has always told me to never go to bed without washing your face. Even as a little girl, she would ask me to wash my face with her so Id get in a good habit. Now its part of my nightly routine and I dont feel I can truly decompress until its done.
Tiffany Bowman
"My grandma and mother always had one consistent beauty rule that they passed onto my sister and me: Never leave the house without a little lipgloss and a swipe of mascara; that is all you need.
Emma Heinold
Here's my little advice from my mum (passed on from hers):
Always moisturize your hands.
Its always better to underpluck than overpluck your eyebrows.
Always sleep on your back (to avoid wrinkles!).
Nefeli Stamatelatou
No such thing as too much moisturizer and never leave the house without lipstick (and earrings!)
Jackie Melle
My mom is a true inspiration to me when it comes to all things hair. Not only did she pass down her incredibly thick hair to me genetically (thanks mom!), but she also passed down a wonderful lesson on the importance of embracing my natural beauty. A few years ago, after decades of coloring her hair and being sick of the beauty standards that told her she had to, my mom decided to embrace her age and transition to being fully gray. Of course, she looks amazing, but what I admire most is her courage to resist societal beauty pressures and instead decide what is best for her. I can only hope to one day be as fabulous and wise as she is (inside and out).
Claire Fields
Feeling inspired? Be sure to check out our Passed-Down giveaway on Instagram for a chance to win a 3-month Birchbox membership for you AND your mom or another amazing woman in your life.

Jac Wray
While a self-described social butterfly, I find empowerment in my independence. Taking myself on a spur of the moment solo vacation, dinner dates to new restaurants or parts of the city where my company is solely the characters in the book I bring, visiting the local bar and getting to know the bartenders over a glass of wine… or 3. I find that intimate moments with myself leave me feeling brave, confident, and empowered to take on the world without depending on anything else as a buffer. It also gives me time to reflect, plan, journal and explore new places at my own pace.