Pop Culture · January 5, 2015

Birchbox Short List

Hang With Your Friends

Do the words "smelly cat" mean anything to you? If yes, then you're in for a treat. If no, well, it's time to start catching up on Friends. Luckily, all 10 (yes, 10!) seasons of the show are currently streaming on Netflix, which means you're just a binge watch away from hanging out with Rachel, Chandler, and the gang. Unsure where to start? Take a look at our favorite eps of all time. (Netflix)

Resolve to Be Different

Okay, so you've already broken your resolution not to eat carbs in 2015we forgive you. Instead of the classic (and classically broken) promise to lose weight or dramatically change your diet, why not opt for a less expected goal this year? Vogue has a few ideas, from skipping the juice cleanse for a tech cleanse and swapping in podcasts for Netflix binges. (Vogue)

Catch Up With the Multitalented Ms. Kendrick

If you're longing to get your Anna Kendrick fix leading up to Pitch Perfect 2, you can find her belting it out in the recently-released Into the Woods. Find out what it's like to sing in a corset and what she's up to for the rest of 2015 in this charming interview. (Vulture)

Bust Out Your Trucker Hat (or Don't!)

All denim everything, Juicy track suits, and trucker hatsring a bell? All were huge trends in the early 2000s, and are currently on display in what New York Mag is deeming "The Most Horrifying Trendlets of the Early Aughts." Which begs the questionwhich hot trends that we're into now will we be regretting in 10 years? (The Cut)

Photo: NBC


Maura M. Lynch

Burt's Bees addict. Watches way too much TV. Has never turned down a french fry.