Beards · March 6, 2015
This Millionaire Blue Jays Pitching Prospect Lives in a Van and Shaves with an Axe

In an interview with ESPN Magazine, Norris explains that his father instilled in him the importance of consuming only what one needs, and living off of the bare minimum. So, as he trains with the Blue Jays in hopes of joining the roster, Norris is parked in the Florida suburbs (having been evicted from the beaches by local police), cooking from a portable stove, reading Kerouac, and writing in his "thought journal" daily.
Says Norris of anyone who might balk at his behavior: "It's like a yin-and-yang thing for me. I'm not going to change who I am just because people think it's weird. The only way I'm going to have a great season is by starting out happy and balanced and continuing to be me. It might be unconventional, but to feel good about life I need to have some adventure....Adventure is freedom."
Consider the other ways he lives modestly and with awareness: The 21-year-old has never tasted alcohol nor done drugs, and he has aligned himself with an environmental non-profit called 1% for the Planet. He rejects most technologypreferring hardcover to e-readersand the van (which he named "Shaggy" after the Scooby Doo character) is equipped with solar panels. After signing with the team, he still took a summer job with an outdoor outfitter in his Tennessee hometown, busying himself by working with other environmental enthusiasts.
And, befitting of his persona, the guy shaves his face with an axe. Let's just leave it at that.
Check out the whole interview at ESPN Mag.
Photos by Nathaniel Wood for ESPN