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November 8, 2017

How to Launch a Side Hustle: Genevieve Ascencio

When Did You Start and Why?

I started about three years ago. To be honest, I didnt plan to start a side hustle, but I kept getting approached for coffee meetings to 'pick my brain about how to get into public relations, social media, or the fashion industry. The requests got so overwhelming that I started doing webinars, so I could reach a few dozen people at once. Then, to satisfy those who wanted more than what I covered during the webinars, I offered one-on-one coaching.

What Has Been the Biggest Challenge?

If I am completely candid, the hardest part was assigning a cash value to my service. I enjoy what I do and am truly invested in helping others excel and achieve their goals, so it felt weird to charge. It was when people I helped started coming back to me to share their successes and results that I realized that what I offered is as valuable as my time. 15 years of career experience comes with the counsel I offer and that is worth paying for.

What Advice Do You Have For Others?

Make sure that its something you are passionate about because you will invest a lot of hours outside of your 9-5 job. Weekends and after work are typically when I take coaching calls, and even when I am tired, it doesnt ever feel like a chore. I get so much fulfillment from doing it!

Any Resources?

I listen to Open for Business a podcast about building a business. There are some entrepreneurs featured. I also read Fast Companyits a great place to get inspiration, new ideas and stay on top of trends across industries.

You Can Find Genevieve at:


Natalie Reece

Creator of @WordsMeetWalls. Ginger. Yogi. Usually has a pen, book, or glass of red wine in hand.