Self-care · July 2, 2019
We Found Out How America *Really* Views Self-Care

ICMYI: Birchbox revealed a brand-spanking new campaign dedicated to the act (and art) of self-care. [Read our manifesto here] ( For us, You-Time isnt a luxury, its a necessity we all need regardless of highlightrace, gender, age, or sexual orientation/highlight.
However, it looks like we all have work to do across the board. Not only are we slacking on caring for ourselves, but we feel highlightguilty/highlight when we actually do it. And, with so many voices in the self-care space, even we found it to be a bit overwhelming. But, we knew we werent alone in figuring out where to find small moments to take necessary care of ourselves.
To discover more, we partnered with [Kelton Global] ( to research how Americans view self-care, practice self-care, and how they use the time they do have without feeling guilty about it.
Here are a few of the more revealing statistics you shared with us.
But it doesnt just end there, here are a few more #SelfCareStats to know:
According to our recent study, 84% of people reveal they are willing to cancel plans to give some time back to themselves. Are you one of them?
56% of women tend to feel burnt out quite often, compared to 51% of men.
Over 56% of people think caring for yourself involves screen time, while just 30% say unplugging from technology is how they self-care.
74% of people consider self-care to mean taking care of their bodies, while 57% think it means taking a mental break.
39% of men say they consistently make time for self-care while only 32% of women do.