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Grooming · January 26, 2015

Pour One Out: Nick Offerman Has Shaved His Ron Swanson Mustache

After its debut in 2009, Nick Offerman's "Ron Swanson" mustache was more than a character trademark: It was a marker buoy for manliness. Stray too far in any direction, and his glorious upper lip would steer you back on course.

But as Parks and Recreation enters its seventh and final season, Offerman has decided to close the book on Swanson by shaving his iconic 'stache, and replacing it with a lesser (though equally manly) chinstrap. While we understand his reasoning, and his desire not to be typecast, we can't help but mourn the passing of a giantone that has taught us so much about independence, grit, and manly nonchalance. So for those of you with a drink in hand (coffee probably counts), let's raise a toast to a legend: May you enjoy your well-earned retirement.

Image Credit: Vulture


Nathaniel Nagy

Copywriter, cold brew advocate, purveyor of handcrafted birthday haikus since 2009.