Business · December 28, 2018

Six Powerful Women on What They Hope for the New Year

###Katia Beauchamp, Co-Founder and CEO of Birchbox
Shes focusing on being more thoughtful every day.


In the nine years since Beauchamp founded Birchbox, its been a whirlwind. Shes had four children, and her last pregnancy entailed being on bedrest in the hospital for the last trimester. "I was overwhelmed by the amount of love I felt coming at me from family, friends, and even strangers, she says. It motivated me every day to see how fortunate I was versus feeling sorry for myself. So this year, her goal is to pay it forward by focusing on the good things in life, including the people around her. Despite her busy CEO schedule, this year, I am going to overcome those challenges to be a more thoughtful wife, daughter, mother, and friend, says Beauchamp. My aim is to make bigger efforts with my people." Her secret to following through on that? Writing it down. "Journaling is a big part of bringing awareness back to the great things in life, she explains. I love the Five Minute Journal because it's so doable [even when Im busy] and shapes my perspective each day."

###Shan-Lyn Ma, Founder and CEO of Zola
This year, shes focusing on quality time with loved ones.


Ma revolutionized the wedding registry model with the website Zola, much to the relief of style-savvy couples everywhere. While taking her company to the next level is always at the top of her mindand requires constant attentionshes also realizing that work-life balance goes hand in hand with the success of her business. Making time for herself makes her a better leader. Over the past few years, my morning routine has morphed from craziness and caffeine to journaling, meditating, taking my dog Noe for a walk.and, well, still caffeine, Ma says. In the evening, I have a skincare ritual that helps me unwind before bed. Her next step for the new year? Hanging out with family and friends more. My brother is planning his wedding, which I am so excited about and, of course, I have a lot of opinions, she says. My goal is to enjoy and make time for those special moments with him and my family.

###Latham Thomas, Founder of Mama Glow


Shes focusing on helping others help themselves.

Thomas is the brains and heart behind Mama Glow, a lifestyle brand, website and womens center in Brooklyn, New York that offers inspiration, education, and holistic services for expectant and new mothers. For her, self-care is a crucial part of her work and life philosophy, so she knows first-hand the difference it can make. Sometimes we spend so much energy looking after others that we forget to pour that same energy into ourselves, Thomas says. Part of my mission this year will be holding space for other caregivers who dont make time and space for themselves. Shes working with new team members and a global network of doulas to support self-care for everyone. I am committing to hosting more healing circles in our womens wellness space in Brooklyn because they are so transformative, she adds.

###Kristin Cavallari, Founder of Uncommon James
Shes focusing on improving her work-life balance.


Cavallari, who runs Uncommon James, a jewelry line designed for on-the-go women, and also is the author of the New York Times bestselling books True Roots and Balancing in Heels, is ready to slow down this year. Her jewelry business grew so fasta good thing, obviouslythat she had to pitch in everywhere in the company (also a good thing, she says). But it cut into her time with her family. I went from taking and picking up my kids every day at school to it now being [my husband] Jay [doing so] most days, Cavallari says. I miss that, so I want a little more balance. She plans to stay hyper-focused and mindful of the time when shes at work so she can be present with her family once shes back home.

###Sadie Lincoln, Co-Founder and CEO of barre3
Shes focusing on soaking up every last minute with her kids.


While Lincoln seems like your typical wellness guru, she has the business acumen to match. She started barre3, her innovative fitness class, in one Portland, Oregon studio in 2008and since then, her company has grown to 140+ locations worldwide. Mindfulness has always been an integral part of her life, but now she feels like its more important than everespecially when it comes to her family. Being more present in the lives of my children is absolutely my priority in the coming year, says Lincoln. Im focused on simply being there for them during the day-to-dayeven the seemingly inconsequential moments, like driving them to sports practice. She knows that epic bonding isnt going to happen all the timeshe admits that shes not some superhero mom-slash-CEO who can do it all, and her husband and nanny provide hep. But when its my turnMondays, Fridays, and the weekendsI am all-in and dedicated to being a mom like it's my only job on the planet, Lincoln says.

###Jen Rubio, Co-Founder and CEO of Away
Shes focusing on nesting.


Since chic luggage brand Away took off, 30-year-old Rubio has been on one whirlwind journey after the next. Her next stop is much closer to home. Ive traveled over 200,000 miles this past year and was fortunate enough to visit some incredible places, from Siem Reap in Cambodia to Amangiri in Utah, she says. But what Im most looking forward to in the next year surprisingly isnt where Im going or what Im crossing off my travel bucket list. Its spending more time at home in New York with some of my favorite people. Having recently moved into a new apartment, Rubio cant wait to settle in, host her friends, and turn it into a true home.


Natalie Reece

Creator of @WordsMeetWalls. Ginger. Yogi. Usually has a pen, book, or glass of red wine in hand.