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Travel · June 1, 2015

5 Smartphone Gadgets and Tips for Every Photo-Snapping Traveler

1. Always carry backup power.

Capturing, filtering, and uploading does a number on your phone's battery. Try a portable charger like the clever Apple Juice or the sleek wood-paneled dual bank to document the entire day without any re-charging breaks.

2. "Uglify" your device.

You can't take great photos if a thief takes your phone. Make it less desirable to those sticky fingers by covering a cheap case in masking tape. Then really rough it upthe exterior of the tape ages quickly, so suddenly your brand new smartphone looks like a fourth-generation hand-me-down.

3. Get a phone-sized lensor fiveand a spotlight.

Try enhancing your photos beforehand, without any "post-production" filtering. Use one of these five photo lenses (ranging from macro to wide-angle to fish-eye) depending on the shot you need, or a pocket spotlight (pictured above) to better light a foreground subject without blowing out the background.

4. Say "no" to the selfie stick.

Keep that tacky, plastic extendo-arm out of your selfies. Instead, use a literal prop that you can store right on your keychain. The Keyprop is convenient when paired with a self-timer app, or with the Muku Shutter Remote. Those selfies are also best when your arm isn't in the bottom half of each photo.

5. Store your cords in style.

Protecting your cables is as important as guarding your phone; after all, that's how you juice up the battery. Carry those cords in an organizedand stylishmanner with the Cordito from This Is Ground. They'll stow your earbuds, adapters, and lightning cables safely, meaning no more knots or frayed cables to compromise your charge.


Adam Hurly