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March 2, 2018

Spotlight On: Lisa Rosado, Founder and Creative Director of The Style Theory

The 4-1-1 on Lisa:

  • Originally from: Bronx, NY
  • Current hometown: New Jersey
  • Astrological sign: Virgo Sun, Pisces Rising, Sagittarius MoonIm really into astrology
  • Favorite podcast: "The Goal Digger Podcast" by Jenna Kutcher
  • Dream job when you were younger: A singer, actress, and dancer triple threat
  • Area of focus: Founder and owner of curated online womens boutique and lifestyle blog

5 Questions with Lisa

What was the turning point of your career?
Fashion had always been a love and interest of mine, but I had no idea how big of a role it would play in my life and my entrepreneurial journey. After working as a fashion buyer in NYC, I started my own fashion and beauty blog, now known as The Style Theory, soon followed by the launch of The Style Theory Collective, my online womens boutique, and embarked on the solo-preneurial journey full-time. While I absolutely loved having my own shop, I started to feel incredibly alone and isolated since it kept me home most days of the week. So in July 2017, in pursuit of finding my community, I decided to put together a small pop-up in Hoboken, New Jersey alongside three women in the fashion, beauty, and accessory space. Little did I know that this would be the very moment my business would completely shift. Two months later we grew our event to 17 vendors, and I was (and am!) so crazy passionate about being of support to female business owners and expanding our community. Ive since gone on to start (launching later this year), where youll find content, resources, community, events, and ways women can work together through coaching, masterminding, workshops, and more.

What's been the greatest example of someone supporting women you've experienced in your career?
Joining an all womens mastermind was the single best investment. Its so incredibly powerful and therapeutic joining forces with heart-centered female entrepreneurs who truly understand the entrepreneurial journey and who are not only there to be supported, but are there to support you and share feedback, suggestions, resources, and strategies. We all want one another to succeed and allow each other the space to be seen, heard, and understood. Its been an absolutely beautiful experience that has inspired me to start my very own mastermind and is one of the reasons I decided to infuse masterminding as part of our pop-up process.

Tell us how your life experience has shaped you into who you are today.
My little sister is mentally and physically disabled and there is a large age gap between myself and my older sister, so I grew up keeping mostly to myself and making myself feel so incredibly small so that I would almost go unnoticed and fly under the radar. I desired so greatly to shine, but was afraid of letting people in. Now looking back, it makes complete sense to me that my greater mission in life and business is to create sisterhood.

What is one of your proudest accomplishments (in your career, personal life, or both)?
Learning that we were one of This Open Space's Space Fund Winners where we received funding in support of our second for-women-by-women pop-up shopping event in NYC. They were so supportive of our idea and inspired by our journey. It helped validate that I was on the right track and that there was a need (and desire) for this kind of experience!

Pick one person who inspires you and tell us why.
Can I cheat a little and choose a duo?! Im blown away by the community and business Audrey Gelman and Lauren Kassan, founders of the all womens co-working space The Wing, have built within such a short timeframe. Im honored to be a member and am continually inspired by their mission, incredible growth, and for being a prime example in showing women what IS possible!


Alexis Bridenbaugh