Pop Culture · February 9, 2015
Birchbox Short List

Dig for Meaning in Your Beanie Baby Collection
It may be hard to believe, but it's been nearly 20 years since Beanie Baby fever swept the malls of America. What exactly drove the mania behind these adorable, brightly-colored stuffed animals? Slate's Mark Joseph Stern investigates why people lost their minds (and thousands of dollars) to the plush little toys. (Slate)
Watch Kanye Almost Interrupt Beck's Acceptance Speech
If you watched last night's Grammys then you're probably still shocked by Beck's win over Beyonce's for Album of the Year. And if you were really paying attention you would've caught a glimpse of Kanye approaching the mic. We like to think he was just trolling Beck, who looked just as stunned as the rest of us. Missed it? Watch the clip on loop. (Vine)
Check Out Netflix's Next Big Hit
First there was House of Cards, then there was Orange is the New Black. Now Netflix addicts have a new series to anticipate: Moulin Rouge director Baz Luhrmann has just signed on to create a new series for the streaming site about the dawn of hip hop, set in a crumbling '70s New York City. We can't wait to dance on our couches to "Rapper's Delight." (Vulture)
Read a Eulogy to Google Glass
Remember when Google Glass was going to change the world of wearable tech forever? Remember when, well, it didn't? Find out why Google has decided to stop production of its would-be wonder gadget and start hedging your bets now on the fate of Apple's computer-on-your-wrist Watch. (The New York Times).
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Maura M. Lynch
Burt's Bees addict. Watches way too much TV. Has never turned down a french fry.